Since the baby was a week overdue, my doctor scheduled me to be induced on Monday, but then the hospital ended up not having rooms available - I guess it's baby season! We were able to check-in on Tuesday at 7 AM and after a LOOOONNNNNGG time of laboring, pitocin, an epidural (ah), and not enough progress (thanks, Jeri and Steve, for hanging in there with me!), it was C-section time. Thus, at 2:44 PM on Wednesday, 6/27/07, Ryan was born! He surprised all of us, including the doctor and nurse who had been in the labor room earlier, as we were expecting a 6-6.5 pounder but received an 8 lb. 9 0z boy who was 20" at birth. He's got a loud yell but overall has a very sweet disposition - maybe all of that prenatal yoga helps him get zen with the world? I'm in the hospital until Sunday (which is also our 1st wedding anniversary!) and then it will be time for us to go home! Wish us luck and hopefully you can meet him soon!
Beautiful!! Congratulations to all involved!--Bill Davis
CONGRATULATIONS to you and Steve!!! Little Ryan is gorgeous!!! :o)
Best Wishes,
Wow, what a cutie!!! He's so beautiful! We love the name, too. Great Job!
Congratulations, Leslie and Steve. Best of luck to you and your little angel.Can't believe he weighed 8lbs 9 oz. Where in the heck was he hiding??
Can't wait to see him.
Congratulations, Leslie and Steve! My heart goes out to you for all of your hard work. Good luck recuperating and adjusting to your amazingly gorgeous little boy (and all of his screams)! Love, jen wagner
He's adorable. Congratulations! -- Lenore
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