Ryan turned 1 on 6/27! We celebrated Ryan's first birthday with a big party at a neighborhood park. Thank you to all who attended and gave such fantastic gifts! At first, Ryan was hesitant about trying his birthday cake, but then it was full steam ahead and frosting everywhere (including on me). At his 1 year appointment, he weighed in at almost 22 lbs (30th percentile), measured 29" (50th percentile), and still has a big head (90something percentile) but his doctor wasn't concerned since he's always had a big noggin.

After the 4th of July, we went to Aptos to spend a few days with the Giffins, Coles, Hays, and Rosenthals; the men are all Steve's pals from highschool. There were 11 kids total! We had fun on the beach, although Ryan was not happy about the sand and surf until we put some sandals on him (and was very unhappy when a wave hit him).

For his birthday, we got him an Ibert bike seat (thanks, Melissa, for the recommendation!). He's not a big fan of the helmet and cried the first time we had him on the bike (it was the end of the day so he was just cranky, I think). He whimpered a bit when riding away from me, but then would break out in a smile when riding towards me. Unfortunately, I'm too short to ride with him, so Steve is the one to pedal around while I walk the dog. He now seems to feel more comfortable about feeling the wind on his face and riding around the neighborhood.

Four teeth are coming in; the top left was the first to cut through and surprised me because I was keeping an eye on the bottom nubs. He's actually been fine about teething; of course, there's lots of drool, but he doesn't fuss or cry about it. He is definitely going through a "mommy" phase although he's still pretty good with grandmas and grandpas taking care of him. He likes to eat a lot of different things, but I found that spaghetti with sauce is preferred over plain noodles. Spaghetti night also means bath night due to sauce EVERYWHERE!
We're getting ready for some fun with the Tornados at Pajaro Dunes (Steve's training/team building camp) and in Orange County (soccer tournament). We thought we might try to take Ryan to Disneyland, but since he cried the ENTIRE time I had him on the carousel at Oak Meadow park, I think we'll pass this year and try when he's older.
Woah!!! Look at all that frosting!! Careful Steve, Ryan is looking a bit small person clownish (your 2 biggest fears) mwah-hahaha!!!
awww.... he looks so happy riding with Dad!
Ryan looks like TOAD from Super Mario
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