Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Drumsticks

Well, this Thanksgiving we have a lot to be thankful for! We went over to the Liu grandparents' house to do battle with a 19 lb turkey. Ironically, the bird weighed the exact same as Ryan so we had to do a side-by-side comparison. Pretty close, but we decided to eat the one on the right!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Matching Jerseys

Here's all three of us, back from the last Tornado soccer game of the fall season. Ryan is ready to play... do they have a U-1 league?!? Ryan is wearing the field jersey and Dad is the goalie!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ryan at 4 months old

Ryan is now 17 lbs., 26.5", and has a 44 cm noggin. This puts him in the 91st percentile for length, 83rd percentile for weight, and 87th percentile for head size for his age (big kid!). He got his second round of immunizations today and was a brave baby boy - only cried briefly when the shots went in. Here, he's sitting in his Bumbo chair with his trusty pal Montie.

Happy Halloween!

Steve robbed the Liu vault and took out this prized possession for Halloween! Our li'l sack of money had fun walking around the Rosenthal neighborhood but fell asleep after visiting about three houses.